Farnsworth Avenue From Sheffer Road To I-88

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Study Background

The City has attained federal funding (Surface Transportation Program – Local (STP-L)) to replace deteriorated traffic signal equipment, add intersection channelization, and connect a multi-use path. To qualify for the federal funding, the City is preparing studies in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and in accordance with Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Bureau of Local Roads & Streets (BLRS) policies and procedures.

Project Purpose

The purpose of the project is to improve safety and operations for all users.

Proposed Improvements

The proposed improvements include replacement of the deteriorated traffic signal equipment with new equipment, including high visibility backplates and flashing yellow arrow (FYA) signal heads at the 6 signalized intersection within the study limits. Bicycle accommodations will be provided within the project limits from Indian Trail to Illinois Prairie Path to connect existing bikeways and trails. Additional bicycle accommodations are proposed to connect the shared-use path from I-88 to the Molitor Road intersection. Other improvements include ADA accessibility improvements, spot sidewalk repairs, intersection corner radius improvements, intersection channelization at Molitor Road, and pavement patching.

Flashing Yellow Arrow

The Federal Highway Administration conducted a national study that shows the Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) signal helps prevent crashes, moves more traffic through an intersection, and provides additional traffic management flexibility. The flashing yellow arrow phase of the signal gives drivers a more obvious indication that the vehicle may turn left but should do so with caution as oncoming traffic will have a green light.

Section 4(f)

Section 4(f) is the federal act that protects publicly owned parks, recreation areas, and wildlife and waterfowl refuges. Section 4(f) guidelines will need to be followed on this project due to an occupation of the Fox Valley Park District (FVPD) property to provide bicycle accommodations connecting to the Illinois Prairie Path. The existing sidewalk will be removed and replaced with a wider shared-use path within the FVPD property.


The project is currently reaching the end steps of Phase 1 Preliminary Engineering and should have Phase I Design Approval in early 2025. Phase 2 will follow and is anticipated to be completed by 2026 with construction anticipated in 2027. All schedules are subject to change pending project readiness and right-of-way acquisition.

Public Information Meeting

An open house public information meeting will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at the Aurora Police Department (1200 East Indian Trail, Aurora, IL) in the Community Room. The public may stop by the open house meeting anytime between 4:00 and 6:00 PM. The purpose of the Public Information Meeting is to present the purpose and need for the project, the proposed improvements, findings of the environmental studies, anticipated property impacts, and obtain public input.

Persons with a disability desiring to participate in this meeting should contact Alisia Lewis by Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 630-256-3430 or LewisA@aurora.il.org. TTY users may contact the City at 1-800-877-8339. If special accommodations are needed, the contact person should be informed at the time of contact.

We encourage comments throughout the course of the study. Comments received by October 10, 2024, will be added to the record of this public meeting. Questions or comments may be directed to:

Tim Weidner, P.E. Engineering Coordinator

City of Aurora Development Services Center

77 S. Broadway Aurora, IL 60507-2067

(630) 256-3200


Study Background

The City has attained federal funding (Surface Transportation Program – Local (STP-L)) to replace deteriorated traffic signal equipment, add intersection channelization, and connect a multi-use path. To qualify for the federal funding, the City is preparing studies in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and in accordance with Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Bureau of Local Roads & Streets (BLRS) policies and procedures.

Project Purpose

The purpose of the project is to improve safety and operations for all users.

Proposed Improvements

The proposed improvements include replacement of the deteriorated traffic signal equipment with new equipment, including high visibility backplates and flashing yellow arrow (FYA) signal heads at the 6 signalized intersection within the study limits. Bicycle accommodations will be provided within the project limits from Indian Trail to Illinois Prairie Path to connect existing bikeways and trails. Additional bicycle accommodations are proposed to connect the shared-use path from I-88 to the Molitor Road intersection. Other improvements include ADA accessibility improvements, spot sidewalk repairs, intersection corner radius improvements, intersection channelization at Molitor Road, and pavement patching.

Flashing Yellow Arrow

The Federal Highway Administration conducted a national study that shows the Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) signal helps prevent crashes, moves more traffic through an intersection, and provides additional traffic management flexibility. The flashing yellow arrow phase of the signal gives drivers a more obvious indication that the vehicle may turn left but should do so with caution as oncoming traffic will have a green light.

Section 4(f)

Section 4(f) is the federal act that protects publicly owned parks, recreation areas, and wildlife and waterfowl refuges. Section 4(f) guidelines will need to be followed on this project due to an occupation of the Fox Valley Park District (FVPD) property to provide bicycle accommodations connecting to the Illinois Prairie Path. The existing sidewalk will be removed and replaced with a wider shared-use path within the FVPD property.


The project is currently reaching the end steps of Phase 1 Preliminary Engineering and should have Phase I Design Approval in early 2025. Phase 2 will follow and is anticipated to be completed by 2026 with construction anticipated in 2027. All schedules are subject to change pending project readiness and right-of-way acquisition.

Public Information Meeting

An open house public information meeting will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at the Aurora Police Department (1200 East Indian Trail, Aurora, IL) in the Community Room. The public may stop by the open house meeting anytime between 4:00 and 6:00 PM. The purpose of the Public Information Meeting is to present the purpose and need for the project, the proposed improvements, findings of the environmental studies, anticipated property impacts, and obtain public input.

Persons with a disability desiring to participate in this meeting should contact Alisia Lewis by Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 630-256-3430 or LewisA@aurora.il.org. TTY users may contact the City at 1-800-877-8339. If special accommodations are needed, the contact person should be informed at the time of contact.

We encourage comments throughout the course of the study. Comments received by October 10, 2024, will be added to the record of this public meeting. Questions or comments may be directed to:

Tim Weidner, P.E. Engineering Coordinator

City of Aurora Development Services Center

77 S. Broadway Aurora, IL 60507-2067

(630) 256-3200


Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
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    The City of Aurora encourages comments throughout the course of this traffic study. Comments received by October 10, 2024, will be added to the record of this public meeting!

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Page last updated: 21 Oct 2024, 04:36 PM