2025 Special Census
Important Update On The Special Census
What is the 2025 Special Census?
The City of Aurora’s Special Census Initiative is a count of the City’s population that is held outside of the normal census. During the 2020 Census, it was reported that the City of Aurora lost approximately 17,000 people. The reported loss in population has led to the City losing over $4.3 million per year in revenue, greatly affecting day-to-day operations and services provided, such as road maintenance, transportation projects, purchases of street salt, public safety, public works, community services, and special events. This lost revenue is through no fault of the City and cannot be recovered.
If the City chose to wait until the 2030 Census to recount the population, the loss of revenue would total $43 million. To mitigate this loss, Aurora will pursue completing a Special Census, leading to a more accurate population count, restoration of key funding, and expansion of services to the City’s growing community.
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Areas of Interest
2025 Census Tracts

Look For These Letters/Postcards In The Mail!

The U.S. Census Bureau will send each resident two letters and two postcards asking them to take the special census. The letter/postcard will contain the website address you need to take the survey, https://portal.census.gov/specialcensus, AND the personal identification number that you need to use.
Special Census FAQs
Q: Why was Aurora undercounted in 2020?
A: In 2020, a perfect storm of circumstances, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the debate over inclusion of the citizenship question, and new, untested technology designed to count the population, all contributed to Aurora’s undercount.
In the Census Bureau’s 2020 “Post Enumeration Survey,” the State of Illinois was said to be undercounted by 1.97%, while African American populations were undercounted by 3.30% nationwide and Latino populations were undercounted by 4.99% nationwide. Renters were also undercounted by 1.48% nationwide.
The Census Bureau also instituted a new counting technique called “Differential Privacy,” making it impossible for cities to check the Bureau’s work or challenge its results.
All of these factors greatly contributed to Aurora’s undercount, making the 2025 Special Census especially important to ensure Aurora is accurately counted.
Q: Why should I respond to the Special Census?
A: Responding to the 2025 Special Census helps Aurora establish an accurate population count. An accurate count allows the City to better understand and serve the community! An undercount impacts the City’s funding from the Federal Government, which, in turn, impacts the ability to fund key programs and services. Your response will help to restore funding for critical services such as public safety, public works, road repairs, and special events!
Q: I am concerned about privacy. Will my response be used against me?
A: All responses to the Special Census are anonymous, private, and protected by law. Citizens’ responses cannot be used against them in any way. No individual or entity, including the Census Bureau, can track down your response.
Q: I am not an American citizen. Should I complete the Special Census?
A: Yes. No questions regarding your citizenship status will be asked. You will count!
Learn More About The 2025 Special Census!
For more specific questions about the 2025 Special Census, please comment here! We will be sure to respond in a timely manner.
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